I'm also going to try to show more things that I made at school. Patterns and things like that. This week I'm about to finish 2 new samples, so when they're finished I'm going to show them. Pinky swear.
For I forget, I still have one more question for the Internet Explorer users! How is the quality of my photos in Internet Explorer? In the Internet Explorer I have, the quality of some photo's isn't that good.
Now about past weekend! It was so fun and busy! It started friday after school. My school vacation started and I still need to finish some things at home. I had to bring all the things with me and I had to carry all the things in 4 heavy, almost snapping, plastic bags. So I called my dad and asked him if he had the time to pick me up from school. I mean, carrying 4 heavy plastic bags with you (plus my own bag, so actually 5 bags. Auwts) the train in and out isn't so pleasant. I need to travel with 3 trains when I'm going home and normally it isn't fun, but this was just awful. And gladly he didn't had to do anything that day and he picked me up! (I seriously have the sweetest father ever.) After he picked me up we rented some films and went to my mom's house to get some clothes and shoes. I spended my weekend at my dad's.
When it was Saturday evening Evi arrived here! We ate a lot of chocolate and popcorn. Not good, but so delicious. We watched 3 films. Well, actually 2 and a quarter. We watched Inkheart (I recommend it), My Fair Lady (with Audrey Hepburn) and a little part of Drag me to Hell (never again. Nasty, nasty, nasty!). The next day Evi, my dad, my grandmother and I went out for lunch. I've had tomato soup! Very good tomato soup, hehe. After lunch Evi and I went to Walibi Halloween! We went to the show Beetlejuice (I've also been there last year, see it here) and believe me. He's one little, horny beetle. Evi and I laughed our behinds off, haha. The rest of the evening was also very fun and scary.
Monday we spended half the day in bed and watched some films. Around 3 O'clock we got out of bed and got dressed. Evi took my dad outfit shots (thanks Evi!) and after taking the photos it was already 5:30 PM and we needed to go away, because we were going out for diner to a Japanese restaurant in Hilversum. That restaurant has the most delicious food ever.
Sorry for the whole story! Here are the photos Evi took of and for me! I wore this outfit several times last week. Got addicted.
Designer Remix blouse
Heaven & Earth dress from Asos.com
Steps scarf
H&M tights
Givenchy ankleboots
Vintage purse from Ilovevintage.nl
The necklace was a gift from my dad
Now the last thing I still need to tell! About 2 months ago I got an award from lovely Ruxandra and I'm sooooo ashamed that it took so long to post it here. But better late than never, right? I also need to write down 10 interesting things about me.

Ok here we go:
1. Since I installed The Sims 3 on my new computer I'm addicted. Last week Monday I played all day long The Sims 3. I didn't even got dressed, only wore my pyjamas.
2. I don't really like my education anymore. I'm more interested in a journalism education. I love writing.
3. When I was little I always used to draw. My grandmother has a sewing room and one wall is full with my drawings I made when I was 'little'.
4. I've had several pets when I was younger. In total I had 3 bunnies, 5 guinea-pigs, 1 rat, 3 hamsters (one time I had 2 hamster in the same cage (male and female) and we got 6 baby hamsters!), 2 cats (one is still alive) and a dog, who we still have!
5. Boyfriend and I are planning to live together in Amsterdam in some years.
6. I've been buying to many red and dark blue clothes lately.
7. I used to wear only silver jewellery, but these days I also wear a lot of gold.
8. I miss being 14.
9. Since boyfriend and I are together, I started to listen more to 'hard' music.
10. In my last year of primary school we had to do a musical in front of all the parents. The musical was called 'Bubblegum Gangsters'. I hated it.
Heaven & Earth dress from Asos.com
Steps scarf
H&M tights
Givenchy ankleboots
Vintage purse from Ilovevintage.nl
The necklace was a gift from my dad
Now the last thing I still need to tell! About 2 months ago I got an award from lovely Ruxandra and I'm sooooo ashamed that it took so long to post it here. But better late than never, right? I also need to write down 10 interesting things about me.

Ok here we go:
1. Since I installed The Sims 3 on my new computer I'm addicted. Last week Monday I played all day long The Sims 3. I didn't even got dressed, only wore my pyjamas.
2. I don't really like my education anymore. I'm more interested in a journalism education. I love writing.
3. When I was little I always used to draw. My grandmother has a sewing room and one wall is full with my drawings I made when I was 'little'.
4. I've had several pets when I was younger. In total I had 3 bunnies, 5 guinea-pigs, 1 rat, 3 hamsters (one time I had 2 hamster in the same cage (male and female) and we got 6 baby hamsters!), 2 cats (one is still alive) and a dog, who we still have!
5. Boyfriend and I are planning to live together in Amsterdam in some years.
6. I've been buying to many red and dark blue clothes lately.
7. I used to wear only silver jewellery, but these days I also wear a lot of gold.
8. I miss being 14.
9. Since boyfriend and I are together, I started to listen more to 'hard' music.
10. In my last year of primary school we had to do a musical in front of all the parents. The musical was called 'Bubblegum Gangsters'. I hated it.
Now I need to past this award on to 10 bloggers. But I don't want to past it on to only 10 bloggers. I want to give this award to all my lovely and loyal readers! If you haven't got this award yet, it's yours!
I hope everyone liked my writings and here are the last 3 things I wanted to show you! It's all from Dahlia ^^
I hope everyone liked my writings and here are the last 3 things I wanted to show you! It's all from Dahlia ^^