I'm back home again! What a day. Did some more shopping. Went shopping last Sunday with boyfriend in Amsterdam. It pretty much sucked when it came down to nice things. Didn't really found something interesting, except for a dress, a top, skirt and 2 necklaces. Ok, it is something, but I saved my money for a whole shop session! And a shop session means at least 3 dresses, haha. But I got 2 new dresses today, a cardigan, a skirt and new shoes! And yesterday I also got a new skirt. So I still got some nice new things! I really can't complain.
And before Sunday another new dress arrived from Topshop! I adore it. Can't stop wearing it. Oh and I can't forget the things I got for Christmas. Finally got my ChloƩ wedges that I told about a while ago! Got them from my dad and I got a Wii from my mom! I actually got the Wii from my mom because she wanted one, haha. She used me as an excuse to get it, the sneaky little thing. Not that I mind, because I got addicted to it! You have no idea how bad my muscular pain is right now!
But I'm going to stop writing now, otherwise I'll write too much (if it isn't too much already)! Just going to post the rest of the photo's!
H&M cardigan
Dahlia dress and belt
Thrifted bow
Necklace was a present
River Island tights
Fornarina heels
And now my latest buys!

On the left is the Topshop dress and the right dress is vintage.

A vintage top from the 30's!

The left skirt is from H&M and the right skirt is from Just Female

And I got this leather skirt from my mom. She wore it when she was in her thirties!
Dahlia dress and belt
Thrifted bow
Necklace was a present
River Island tights
Fornarina heels
And now my latest buys!
On the left is the Topshop dress and the right dress is vintage.
A vintage top from the 30's!
The left skirt is from H&M and the right skirt is from Just Female
And I got this leather skirt from my mom. She wore it when she was in her thirties!
The rest of the photo's will come soon! It's too dark to get the other things decent on photo. Good night everyone!