Last Saturday my weekend started. I went out for diner to a Japanese restaurant with my dad and a good friend. The food was delicious, but when we got back to the car, we smelled so bad! The clothes I wore still smell bad. Even my underwear! Good thing there's something like a washing machine. Sunday my dad, grandmother and me went out for lunch and after lunch we went to Amsterdam to the Bijenkorf. And yesterday... Well, yesterday was pure laziness, haha. I was sitting in my pyjama's till half past 3 in the afternoon. When I got dressed at 15:35 my dad and me went to his office to eat some cake with a colleague. When it was evening we ate sushi and I went back to my mom's home. Now it's Tuesday and my grandparents are here, because my mom will be gone till Friday or Saturday. So now I'm going to clean my room and work on the Topshop dress with bows on it! It's going to fit me perfectly when it's done!
I got 2 outfits for you. From yesterday and from Monday. I hate it to wear cardigans with these lovely playsuits, but when I went out of the house I did wore them obviously, haha.
Dahlia playsuit
H&M white dotted tights owlnecklace
Topshop platforms

Dahlia playsuit
H&M dotted tigths
Would love to wear this when I'm in London with school in April! And yes, I just discovered polyvore, haha.