My apologies for not updating sooner. I know I promised a new post last Sunday, but just didn't had the time. I really should stop promising things, since I don't stick to it. Week 6 from my internship has ended and I only have 4 more to go. Time flies I must say! But due to my internship I don't feel like making outfit shots (yet again!) and I must admit that they're not very blog worthy. I only wear 2 or 3 different pair of shoes, because my feet aren't that painful in them. Suddenly all shoes are painful to my feet! What is happening?
Gah, all kind of thoughts in one paragraph. Excuse me for that. But 2 things are still remaining. I got from different kinds of lovely bloggers the same award! Going to post it soon! I keep forgetting it. Please forgive me for that.
And new shoes! Yet again, but these are flat. Needed those. Firm ones.

The Marc Jacobs mouse flats! They're so cute!
And now I'm off to bed. It was a busy and early day and I'm tired. Good night!