A coral See by Chloé top. I got this top together with the other See by Chloé top and dress. I wore it a lot in Italy.

Now something I would normally never and never wear! Really never, but that's why I bought it. I wanted something different! Also got this shirt in the Fornarina outlet.

Another Fornarina outlet purchase! Yes, I know I got a lot from it haha. And the bad thing is, there is more to come from the Fornarina outlet!

When my mom went to the market in Italy, she brought something back for me. A harem pants! Like whoa! Me with a harempants. I admit I did wanted one, but never thought I would actually get one! I do have the perfect shoes to go with it.

And another thing you would never expect to see me in. A bandeau top!

Aaaand.. Another Fornarina top! Big shocker he? I got you there, didn't I?! Oh, excuse me, haha.

Another thing I normally would never wear, but that's why I like it so much

Still more to come!