I've been blogging like crazy! (I just got off summer school, yay!) A while back, saintangelius left me a comment saying that the new popteen has a very good section on contouring with 17 pages!! After I heard that, I just had to get my hands on it!! Thanks hun!
It's really interesting how they look before all that makeup in the bottom right hand corner. Makeup can do wonders! :D
Anyway, hope you ladies enjoy this entry :) ~ Leave me a comment, I'd love to read what you guys think!

The combined use of circle lenses, eyeliner, and mascara gives her a big doll-eye effect. Gorgeous!

Lightly tanned glowing skin, bleached hair, baby pink lips = CUTE

Eye makeup and how to contour you face:

Put eyeliner on the bottom to dramatize your eyes~

Slightly light skin, and darker hair for a more natural look

Lightly tanned glowing skin, bleached hair, baby pink lips = CUTE

Eye makeup and how to contour you face:

Put eyeliner on the bottom to dramatize your eyes~

Slightly light skin, and darker hair for a more natural look