How to deal with negative comments: As you guys know, I just created my blogspot + facebook for my jewelry business. I know a lot of people are supporting me and I truly appreciate it. But once there are people that like your stuff, there are always the other side:
the haters. I got my first negative comment today, saying that they doubt my shop will work, and that I have very few members on my fb group. At first, I had a mixture of feelings: very mad with a f-u attitude and dissapointment as well. But then, I realize, wherever you are, whatever you are doing, there will ALWAYS be someone that will critize your work. Especially in business, you have to have "thick" face and just put a smile on at the end of the day. Instead of getting all agitated and angry about it, why not use these critisms to even BETTER yourself right? I know that my business WILL work. I don't care what anyone has to say about it, it WILL happen. I will get more members and my business will work. I'll prove you wrong. But more importantly, I want to prove to myself that I can do it. Please support me, you can join
here. My goal is 100+ members on my facebook group by the end of July. I know I can do it :)

I really had to get that out of my system. I am learning everyday about how to deal with these kinds of situations. Anyways, my next topic is about the Glamorous magazine.
I think either Glamorous or Pretty Style has my FAVOURITE styles for fashion. It's feminine, stylish, and put-together.