I'm sorry, but the warmth doesn't do me good. And also the fact that every shoe freaking hurts my feet. And that I hate my hair. Getting very, very moody of it. Thank god I bought a cute new hat yesterday that I can wear.
So here are my purchases.
The hat that I bought yesterday in Amsterdam in the ILV Temporary Boutique at the Herenstraat 18.
More from Ilovevintage. This time from the site instead of their temporary boutique. Already have it for a while.

Some flat shoes for Italy again. Wore the black ones yesterday when I went to Amsterdam. Got some really bad blisters from them... Good thing I also brought an other pair of shoes.

Another dress from Ilovevintage.nl. Now I'm getting sick of myself. Should stop buying things...

Again a dress. How surprising. Have to make the armholes a bit more roomier, because they're too small to be comfortable. From Ilovevintage.nl. You couldn't gues that, could you?

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Some bows for my hair that I got out of a thriftstore, where I went to last week friday (so not yesterday).
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